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[[circled]] 5 [[/circled]] MN

-Sit in mcc & drive robot around Mars
-Create robot [[strikethrough]] [[?]] Mars [[/strikethrough]] dive into ocean
-Design closed loop life support sys for s/c
-Study effect of G.W from SAT 

Lots of opps for kids growing up these days --> range of exciting careers for them to explore
- BLDG fun
- I was lucky to see AD, but prepared
- You're preparing
- --> Studied in [[strikethrough]] your [[/strikethrough]] schools are at stage where they're building FD'N to let them take adv...
--> Make sure they don't foreclose options early -> incised fuel aspirations.
They just need support, enc. + access to quality ed.  Vitality of our Soc. depends on our ability to inspire + educate them.

When I was a little girl..

--> I know thru your [[strikethrough]] creativity leadership, [[/strikethrough]] commitment & dedication you'll help + encourage all [[/strikethrough]] commitment & dedication you'll help & encourage all [[strikethrough]] your students kids [[/strikethrough]], B+G, reach and achieve.

Know all of you, thru dedication, creativity, hard work + imag, will reach... + achieve

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Up to all of us to elevate value our Soc puts on science
[[/left margin]]

[[right margin]][[strikethrough]]
Excited about your Sci initiatives -->
They can make a diff. 
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