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Rather meet MJ than Sherry Rowland or Linda [[Bucal?]]
[[circled in top right corner]] 2 [[/circled in top right corner]]
[[strikethrough]] (so kids consider those careers more "cool") [[/strikethrough]]
Soc -> also stereotypes of what sci look like, of who does sci
Those images tend to disproporately discourage girls
-> ESP in M.S., when important to fit in (not cool ... EE)
-> [[strikethrough]] also [[/strikethrough]] &, unfortunatley, [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] our schools don't keep the excitement alive for kids
-> good teachers + re-energized sci pgms (are keys to turning that around)
[[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] What engages kids: (a) good teachers who understand + can communicate the content & excitement of subject. 
(b) Classes + after-school pgms that
-connect sci to the real world,
-emphasize the collaborative nature of sci + the important problems to solve
-introduce kids to role models they can identify with, + put faces on variety of careers
[[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] 
I've seen 1st hand the enthusiam that kids for these subj. [[strikethrough] My company [[/strikethrough]] --> Don't have to convert!  SRS, is an innovative sci ed company that [[strikethrough]] runs [[/strikethrough]] creates pgms
[[strikethrough]] [[ent. + ed pgm + cla??]] [[/strikethrough]]
+ Materials that are entertaining + educational. 
Aim at Elem. and M.S... where lose kids, + where teachers need support.
Show kids sci is creative, collaborative, + fun; That it's connected to real world, + attacking problems relevant to them; It's done by diverse group of (normal) people who love what they do... 
+ We show the opps. waiting for them.
Kids are out there: [[strikethrough]] 1400 [[/strikethrough]] >1000 at sci festival at UCSD + [[strikethrough]] 1200 [[/strikethrough]] at uci [[?]], 2 wks at CalTech, 3 at SCU

[[circle]] 3 [[/circle]]
--> Lost of kids... B + 6... [[?]] who can go on to do great things in tech fields! They just need support, eng [[?]], + access to quality education. Vitality of our society depends on our ability to inspire + educate them.

Applaud your efforts + work of your committee