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1. Press Conf - Why? 
New connection?
Sports Background/Importance to Astronaut 
Reason I'm here: Eva called/Conf important
2. Issues - STS-7:  Physiological Aspects of S/[[Fat[?]]
3. TNG - No Formal Physical TNG 
      - No Part of TNG That Requires Phys Cond (Physical once/yr)
Reason: Weightlessness (Benign)
      .: Men & Women TNG Same
In Practice: .Selection of Healthy, Motivated
             .Indiv Pref & Peer Pressure & GYM [[arrow]]TNG
(2-6 mi/day, WTS) -
.Considered Very Important (mc [[?]] /CRIP's)
4. About Movie: Film In-Flight, Launch/June, Orbit 6 days
      Norm: SAS Effects Fluid Shift
      Sensory Conflict
      None on Women

Launch - Back, VIB [[?]], Stack, G's
Doors - (5 mi/sec [[?]]) Sensory Conflict
Crew - Norm (Fluid Shift), John (Floating)
Palapa - Shirtsleeve (Launch in Helmets)
amt of space, food lockers, mid-deck
Norm/OFES [[?]] - Pulse, Blood Press, Neurological
Treadmill - Benign, Load-Bearing Straps
Prox OPS - Cabin Size/Sensory Conflict
Re-entry - Fluid Loading
Describe Feeling/Heart Rate