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ship--astronauts can make house calls on disabled satellites. SPAS [strikethrough] repair them in orbit, and leave them as good as new [/strikethrough] that was demonstrated dramatically on the last flight--2 went out and repaired a satellite that had broken shortly after launch and hadn't collected any useful data in 4 years. Now its as good as new, collecting data on solar flares.
shuttle can also carry experiments in the pressurized cabin that can be operated by the crew. most of these experiments take advantage of weightlessness to produce substances that can't be produced on the ground. On our flight we carried an experiment that will lead to production of  certain medicines in space. Medicines which cannot be produced on the ground because gravity acting on the exp won't let you obtain pure enough [[strikethrough]] Remember that in orbit you're weightless--its just like being in a continuously falling elevator [/strikethrough]] the experiment was so successful on our flight + on a subsequent flight, that the next shuttle flight (which will launch in about 2 weeks) will carry a production unit


charlie walker

jr   next flight is notable for a couple of other reasons: Judy Resnik

steve 2nd reason is most important: Steve Hawley, my husband, is also on that flight.

One of the things that NASA has discovered + I can vouch for, is that people adapt very well to space environment. (1) Body loves weightlessness, heart doesn't have to work hard to pump your blood against gravity, don't need to expend any energy move across cabin, or use muscles to lift equipment.... and its (1) kind of fun to eat lunch sitting on the ceiling while you're watching Australia go by under you at 5 mi/sec. NASA's next project

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space station-
funded by congress
exist in 1990
permanent platform in space- accessed by shuttle (up to 6 mo stays)
long term production models - CFES monitor environmental condions
launching platform to explore solar sys → 

Transcription Notes:
a couple words scattered through doc that need identifying, otherwise complete