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1) Can't achieve eloquence: goal is brevity
2) Last night: Wash D.C. to [[strikethrough]][[?]] [[/strikethrough]] reception in honor of Centennial. The letter of invitation reminded me that "Alice Paul gave you your right to vote" Realize that that's something we take for granted today. [[strikethrough]] Some argue that [[/strikethrough]] Certainly the right to vote is something we should never take for granted - we should appreciate the efforts of those who worked so hard to give us that [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] right, 
& [[strikethrough]][[?]] [[/strikethrough]] should regard [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] it
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] as a priv [[/strikethrough]] serious responsibility.
In another sense, it's wonderful that today women
can take it for granted, [[strikethrough]] that women put [[/strikethrough]] it [[strikethrough]] show [[/strikethrough]] reflects a fundamental change in our society's concept [[strikethrough]] attitudes towards [[/strikethrough]] of the role of women. An idea that was radical, almost heretical, in 1900 - that women should have the right to vote - is today 
[[strikethrough]][[?]] [[/strikethrough]] fundamental to our society.
There's been a similar evolution of thinking - an enlightment [[enlightenment]] - about the contributions women can make. [[strikethrough]] Women from[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 
Take the space program as an example