Viewing page 20 of 82

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[[circled]]1[[/circled]] lengthen patch
[[circled]]2[[/circled]] add some pre-launch/launch footage
(check ERBS tape)
[[circled]]3[[/circled]] add a little more after SRB sep
[[circled]]4[[/circled]] cut some of ERBS post-sep
McBride #2 &(long-range > 3:14)
[[circled]]5[[/circled]] fix up SIR B deploy [[note]]use still of 41G Bay? [[/note]]
[[circled]]6[[/circled]] cut close-up of LFC
[[circled]]7[[/circled]] replace Earth shots (Gibraltar)
- Greece
- Crete
[[circled]]8[[/circled]] check & add more of K.S. hanging & help
(more "in-cabin"?)
[[circled]]9[[/circled]] add photo of IMAX?
[[circled]]10[[/circled]] check for better EVA pics? (our flt)
[[circled]]11[[/circled]] [[strikethrough]]delete [[//strikethrough]] "clear up" EVA photo?
[[circled]]12[[/circled]] clean up clock of KU? (& shorten)
[[circled]]13[[/circled]] delete check of SIR-B antenna
[[circled]]14[[/circled]] more inside: stay with Jon/lunch longer?
[[circled]]15[[/circled]] replace Josephine w/ OMS burn still