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- civilian / military (separate budgets, separate items)
(talk primarily about cir.) - informal
sum of topics
- reason for space policy { - know where you're going, & know how to get there
- transportation; technologies; 
=> shuttles is not a goal…station is
not a goal
- extent of US civilian space policy
(Ride report… science plan; shuttle plan…[looked @ 4 invitations]  not a goal
- example of a space policy failure
[LV's] (connect AF/NASA) (mistake) ← & consequences
X - example of Soviet system
(long-term commitment; evolution, not new; 
low tech
what has it achieved? [1 huge launch capacity
& infrastructure 
translate into capabilites...
-space station is 
no drain
2 satellite performing functions
3 space station
Soviets may not have a particular goal...
(or they may)... but they do have a path
(that they've followed for >25 yrs)