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Life sciences - took courage to accept: recurring nightmare... [[strikethrough]] faced [[/strikethrough]]  locked in a room w/ hundreds of life scientists, each w/ a rotating chair & blood sample syringe
Franklin[[?]] Arnold asked...
• "Collect studies"
• NASA didn't have program to study major initiatives > 1995 (∴People not working on related problems)
Background - 1 study initiated: Sulzman & Nicogossian
[[strikethrough]] research areas [[/strikethrough]] 
- Questions we must answer
- Research necessary to answer Q
(Q existed, but agency hadn't asked about them in a long time)

4 initiatives (generate discussion of NASA goals)
Task forces to develop details
2 - Not of direct interest to symposium (just mention)
2 - of interest: Require significant work in life sciences

Lunar initiative (legacy of Apollo... [[circled]]demonstrate seriousness of purpose[[/circled]] learning to live & work in hostile environment 
[[right margin]] Return to build science outpost, continue exploration & investigate [[strikethrough]] look for [[/strikethrough]]potential of resources [[/right margin]]
1990's - Robotic exploration (Lunar prolar orbiter)
Life sciences research [[circled]]CELSS[[/circled]] (prod assoc w/ working 1/6 g environment, radiation)
Space station: Develop expert systems
Automation & Robotics
Technology test bed (CELSS)
Evolve to include transportation node
Develop tug (Space-based... astros from station -> moon -> station)
By 2000: Send astronauts & experiments & structure to [[strikethrough]] moon [[/strikethrough]]lunar surface
(How: → station → OTV → mood → ~2 wk stay → OTV → station) ~ every 6 mo
Gradually add HAB modules, research facilities, build an
outpost for science research (A. phys, low[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] -g), research into
lunar resources
Gradually build our ability to live & be productive Key element: (Closed loop life support)
Mars Initiative
• Recognized from start: Life sci → crucial... it's a long way to /mars
(~ 3 days to moon, > 6-8 months) ∴ Got life sci involved in beginning
• Developed scenario in workshop environment -> Sulzman a part
1990's - Robotic exploration of Mars (Mapping, site selection, sample RTN)
Life sci research (certify people
tech dev (including life support)
Station to xportation node (& assembly)
2000 - Knowledge to design & build vehicles & support systems
[[strikethrough]] office of exploration [[?]] people alive, then [[?]] productive [[/strikethrough]]

Transcription Notes:
Couldn't read [[name]] Arnold asked... Couldn't read parts of struck-through text Arnold maybe Frances Arnold, the biochemical enigineer?