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~ 2005: Send 1st crew of 6 → Mars
Scenario-w/ Creativity, got round-trip time →1 year
("sprint mission")
1st: assemble & fuel a cargo vehicle & send it on its way (slow boat)
2nd: assemble crew vehicle(carries crew & supplies)→ fuel for a quick trip
Arrive @ Mars, rendezvous w/ cargo ship in Mars orbit,
Go down to surface (~2-3 weeks) & return
(~1 yr total)
→scenario proposes 3 of these "sprints", leading up to decision ~2010 to establish an outpost on Mars

Done in workshop environment, ~ 3-4 months.... start to define all the studies, trades
e.g. moon as stepping stone
     artificial-g vehicle
- No single home for studies w/in NASA - no coordinated 
view of a lunar initiative or Mars initiative 
- Recommend that home be established @ HQ
adopted - office of exp
carry on study of human exploration initiatives

role of office is coordination- draw on all elements of NASA [understand transportation possibilities & limitations, & relay requirements; understand station capabilities & systems, & feed in requirement for station evolution; understand  scientific intent of robotic precurser missions, & feed in requirement of info needed to support human exploration;
close coordination w/ life sciences (understand
limitations, research milestones, req on sys)
Role of life sciences is critical in enabling
& defining missions
Life Sci Research: Keep Astronauts alive, healthy,productive during exciting adventures