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Aspect of Space PGM - Past, Present or Future
Space PGM as part of Sci curriculum

↳SP PGM of Research
can make sig. contribution to Sci Curriculum → SP. PGM IS EXCITING

Particular Aspect of US Space PGM that's becoming more & more important: (OBS [[?]] earth from space)

→This is view the Apollo Astronauts had standing on surface of moon. Jim Lovell: "Grand Oasis in great vastness of space" 

show this to remind you: space PGM has had a huge impact on the way we view Earth, & what we know about our planet. [This, & big blue marble → environmental movement in late 60's/early 70's]

Missions to moon ≥ 20 yrs ago. During the 20 yrs since, scientists have come to appreciate that earth is a complex system composed of interacting components: oceans, atmosphere, biosphere (earth's interior) are all coupled — can't understand any 1 in isolation (study system)

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-co2 cycles veg., ocean, atmos
-volcano like Tabora affects climate
-temp ↑, melts ice, ↑ H2O level, [[?]] climate
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furthermore, clear that civ, is having measurable impact on system (we're an influential components)

→to study earth as a system req. global perspective (view from earth orbit)

→Illustrate perspective by showing photos from shuttle

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combination of gnd & space
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Transcription Notes:
Don't know how to insert the arrow symbols