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science in elementary school (girls +)

want pic of corps blowing into soda stream
floating food in shuttle

reason: still remember styrofoam model of the atom I made in elem. sch. (picture of red styrofoam protons attached to white neutrons w/ toothpicks, & surrounded by electron orbiting from bent coat hangers). Doesn't matter that it's not exactly accurate, & I've learned had to mentally [[strikethrough]] update it [[/strikethrough]] smear out @ orbiters & add quarks inside P&N
over the yrs)- the important thing it, I still remember it.

It's models, demo's & simple exp. we're here to talk about- things kids remember & learn from. The more students we can expose to this in their early yrs, the more will go on to perform sci & tech work that's so important to future of country.
The goal of sci, of course, is to dev. a basic understanding of our world & how it works. The process of sci discovery is [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] both exciting & rewarding [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] - & can be rewarding not just for sci who make discovery, but also for society. 

[[strikethrough]] if those discoveries can be  translated into [[/strikethrough]] 

we see results of sci, progress & tech dev sverywhere. 2 ex,