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All the data does no good w/out sci. to analyze & interpret
it & develop models based on results.
in fact, 2 ways to look [[strikethrough]]loo[[/strikethrough]] at situation:
1) Enormous opp.
2) Tremendous danger: We are affecting planet; need to
understand effects & implications. 
[[strikethrough]]→ crew to have enough sci to analyze air thats great data.[[/strikethrough]]

→ [Just 1 area of sci that will be crying out for sci in coming decades... could name others (HST, SSC)
to lessen affect of proj. shortfall [[strikethrough]] problem [[/strikethrough]]
- Induce significantly more kids into sci & engineering
→ 1 key pt: Have to spark an interest in elementary
school... if you don't, you've lost them.
This is reason for improved sci ed in elem. sch.:
introduce kids to science, AND to make
These early encounters interesting
So, 1st pt: Have to spark interest early
The 2nd pt: To get sig. ↑, have to draw more
from trad. underprep groups (Women & minorities)
(As you know: Very much smaller % go into sci & eng. than white males)
→[[strikethrough]] [[?]] because of lesser aptitude [[/strikethrough]] in large part, this is because some
societal stereotypes still exist... the further
a girl/minority stu goes in sch w/out sci,
the more sucseptible [[susceptible]] they are to the subtle msgs.
That they shouldn't be in sci. → antedote. [[anecdote]]