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- Cape Canaveral, KSC [shuttle runway] (like tourist in Paris has to photograph eiffel tower, astronaut has to take picture of KSC)

- Red Sea, etc (STS-17). Nile river (vegetation)

Natural phenomena: 
- Mississippi Delta. dynamic region - can vary in sediment loads and distribution patterns.
- hurricane in the Indian ocean (~200km across) (1984) 
- through the eye of the same hurricane (can see into the Indian Ocean)
- plankton bloom off the Namibia coast of South Africa (biological act.)
- Lake Nassar. (1988) as a result of long drought in Africa, Nile has carried less water, so Lake Nassar has retreated from areas previously covered. (more recent photos show recovery of lake) 
Effects of civilization
- oil slicks in the Persian Gulf (STS17]
- evidence of erosion of Madagascar. native forests cut down: cultivation and pasture-massive erosion/soil losses

series on Amazon : 
- Skylab 2 (1973) looking east to west over all of Amazon basin (notice clarity.. can see the ground)
- (15 years later) edge of Andes...looking at edge of smoke cloud (western edge, stops at Andes) 
- entire Amazon basin obscured by smoke from clearing and burning of tropical forest during the dry season. covered area 3xTexas (1000km to mountains). smoke at the center: size of the fires in Yellowstone-1988