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* - Lake Chad-- (1986)(1) local dust storms [[line drawn to]] Dr Rasool mentions dust [[/line drawn to]] over N. Africa. (2) surface area of lake decreased by >90% in 2 decades (3) rangefires.
[(ERIC) showed picture of Earth at night...]

Effects of civilization

* - oil slicks in the Persian Gulf [from Kharg Is] [41G, but always there]

* - evidence of catastrophic erosion of NW Madagascar. native forests cut down for cultivation and pastureland. massive erosion annual soil losses (250) metric tons/hectare)--eroded alcoves (65km)

* - Photo taken with IR film, sensitive to 8000A, responds to chlorophyll--monitor extent of vegetation. island of reunion (indian ocean). shows deforestation (only vegetation left is on slope of volcano)

series on Amazon:

* - Skylab 2 (1973) looking east to west over all of Amazon basin (notice clarity..can see the ground)

* - 15 years later Andes looking at western edge of smoke cloud

* - entire basin obscured by smoke from clearing and burning of tropical forest during the dry season.

* - covered area 3 x Texas (1000km to mountains).

* - smoke cloud at the center about the size of fires in Yellowstone (1988)

other pictures:

* - line of TRW (lightning around the world) ~2000 any moment

* - thunderstorms in profile (looking thru atmosphere in profile, may show aerosol layers from volcanic eruptions. [sunset - illustrates interesting problem seen by HST)

* - Aurora Borealis N. lights. [interaction of molecules & charged particles streming [[streaming]] in along magnetic field lines]