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1 [[?]]
[[strikethrough]] 2 TEA (?)[[strikethrough]]

(I've mentioned sexual stereotyping...)

space P6M/women
Plan: EXP 1 background 2 film 3 girl sci 4 QUESTIONS

I would like to take this opportunity to discuss a problem which is discouraging to me and to many other scientists: girls and young women are still not pursuing careers in math and science in the numbers that boys and young men are. [[strikethrough]] I've joined the crusade to reverse this trend, and I intend to persuade you to do the same. [[strikethrough]]

IBM recently ran an advertisement in several national magazines that focused attention on this problem. It was a full-color, 2-page ad showing 2 pairs of baby-bottles, one pink and one blue. The caption read "guess which one will grow up to be the engineer". The text of the ad goes on:

-"As things stand now, it doesn't take much of a guess. Because HE is encouraged to excel in math and science. SHE isn't."

Sadly, that's true. In the present social and educational environment it is still difficult for girls to express and develop an interest in math or science. Why is that? We no longer tell girls that they CAN'T be