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[[strikethrough]]To get something that you may not get from [[?]]. [[/strikethrough]] (QUIZ)? 
Last June [[strikethrough]] Last Monday, 4-24-95, [[/strikethrough]] 2 years to the day after [[strikethrough]]I loaded from[[/strikethrough]] my first flight, the space shuttle returned from another flight (51D) [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikthrough]] What passed by almost without notice was that Shannon Lucid, a women from Oklahoma with a PhD in biochemistry, was one of the astronauts on board. When her flight lifted off, Shannon became the sixth American woman to fly in space. Her flight was an important milestone-- in 1978, after a gap of 10 years, NASA selected 35 astronauts, including the first 6 women. As of last [[strikethrough]] Monday [[/strikethrough]] June, all 6 of use had flown.

[[strikethrough]] It's a pleasure [[?]] speak to this convention and be part of the [[?]]. But I'm here representing all [[?]]. Although I was the first, any of us could have been [[/strikethrough]]. My flight in 1983 attracted publicity, and put women astronauts in the headlines. But during one particularly exasperating interview I remember saying that I looked forward to the time when it would be taken for granted that there are women on space shuttle crews, and when headlines surrounding a flight would focus on successful launchings of satellites, not on the fact that a women astronaut had launched them.

It is significant that now, as Shannon's flight indicates, women are accepted by public and press as an

Transcription Notes:
Couldn't read a lot of the crossed out text