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[[underline]] Moon [[/underline]]
built on legacy of Apollo
new phase of lunar explor. & exploration
[[strike through]]
leading &
[[strike through]]
w/ dev. of human outpost
on another world: (support
sci; tech research; resource pot.
1990's : robotic
2000 : landing & begin to build outpost
over - 10 yrs
→ [[underline]] commitment [[/underline]] to live & work in space
∴ Conceptual leap outward from Earth

[[horizontal line]]

[[double underline]] MARS [[/double underline]]

initiative committed to lunar expl. &
eventual habitation of Mars
1990's - robotic
- dev of tech, trans, orbitial [[orbital]] facilities
- scientific understanding
- Mars science 
- life sci in body's reaction to long duration spaceflight 

~ launch ~ 2005
3 round-trip missions + investigate surface,
make prep for outpost
=> 2010 commitment to outpost