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3 parts 1 couldn't resist shutter PGM
past, present, future (~30 min slide show)
2 my experiences: 2nd flight
3 leave extra time for Q+A

[[box]] Moon [[/box]] Story starts during last stages of Apollo (~1970). Program inspired by Kennedy (1961) - challenged NASA & country to land Americans on the moon by the end of the decade. PGM spanned terms of 3 presidents: flourished under leadership of Kennedy & Johnson, & culminated during Nixon admin when Neil Armstrong 1st set foot on the moon. Over the next 3 yrs, [[something scratched out]] 6 lunar landers would carry 12 Americans to the surface of the moon. 

Meanwhile, a space task group had been formed to [[strikethrough]] research [[/strikethrough]] investigate future options for the space PGM. 1969-1970 They presented 3 options to the president. 1 A trip to mars (similar to Apollo) 2 A [[strikethrough]]lunar [[/strikethrough]] space station in low Earth orbit & a space shuttle to carry astronauts to & from the station 3 "Delux" option [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] station, moon & mars)

[[box]] Shuttle on pad [[/box]] Nixon chose option 2 (S.S. w/ shuttle), but without the station. (from the beginning: shuttle w/no place to go... can stay in orbit 1-2 wks a lot you) NASA's funds were cut. To make ends  meet, cancelled remaining scheduled moon landings (3 or 4), & abandoned Saturn V Rocket 
Ford & Carter continued this cautious space policy. Reflected in words used. Shuttle was not a "national adventure", but a "space truck"... [[strikethrough]] The words used to prepare [[/strikethrough]] it was to be [[something crossed out]] "cost effective" & provide "routine access" spiral: could only be justified if it could pay for itself - lead to unrealisticly [[unrealistically]] optimistic projections of flight rate (1/wk). 2 decisions which put even more pressure were (1)↓7 → 5 (2) phase out & eliminate expendable LV's
↑hindsight: disasterous [[disastrous]]

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