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dynamic upheavals that created jutting  mountains ranges [[margin note #1]]DICT. do they jut from up there are they jagged & ragged? [[/margin note #1]], and the internal wrenchings that created rifts and seas. I became an instant believer in plate tecktonics [[tectonics]]; [[strikethrough]] it really looked like [[/strikethrough]] India really was crashing into Asia, [[strikethrough]] and like [[/strikethrough]] Saudi Arabia and Egypt were [[strikethrough]] pulling apart [[/strikethrough]] obviously sundering? to widen the Red Sea. [[margin note #2]]tug-of-war pushing pulling on shore [[/margin note]]

[[strikethrough]] Although our view is spectacular, [[/strikethrough]] Spectacular as the view is from 200 miles up, the Earth [[strikethrough]] from 200 miles above [[/strikethrough]] is not from such a perspective, the awe-inspiring (and vulnerable?) "blue marble" made famous by the photos from the moon. From Space Shuttle height [[strikethrough]] astronauts [[/strikethrough]] you? can't see the globe at a glance, but we (you?) can look down the entire boot of Italy, or up the East coast of the US from Cape Hatteras to Cape Cod. One day, I looked out the window over the sandy expanse of Northern Africa, and [[strikethrough]] started scanning [[/strikethrough]] scanned the desert for the by-then-familiar landmarks. ^such as? [[margin]] [[?]] perfect green circles irrigated watered sand  [[/margin]] I was amazed when I finally realized that my landmarks were obscured [[strikethrough]]hidden [[/strikethrough]] by a huge dust storm that covered the entire [[crossed-out]] realm of the Bedouins? [[/crossed-out]] Northern portion of the continent. [[right margin]] [[circled]] This is merely a matter of Anglo Saxon over Latin [[/circled]] [[/right margin]]

Since the Space Shuttle flies fairly low (at least by orbital standards), ^...a typical TV satellite is? we can make out both natural and man-made features in surprising detail. Familiar geographical features like San Francisco Bay, Chesapeake Bay, and [[strikethrough]] Lake Michigan [[/strikethrough]] Long Island are easy to recognize; as man-made are many cities, bridges, and even runways at most major airports. ^ What runways? at most major or airports. [[margin]] forests, farms, the King [[?]] Certainly Lake Michigan. If you can see [[?]] [[circled]]Is there more detail?[[/circle]] [[/margin]](You're now qualified to challenge an incorrect answer in "Trivial Pursuits": the Great Wall of China is [[underlined]]not [[/underlined]] the only man-made object visible from space!). [[right margin]] Hoover Dam Aswan Dam Panama Canal - Bridge [LA] [[/right margin]] [[right margin]] I [[underlined]]love [[/underlined]] this. You have your feet on the ground in such a nice way. You are very good. [[/right margin]]

The signatures of civilization are usually straight lines (like bridges or runways) or sharp delineations (like