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Israel - Red Sea [[arrows]] imagine radars (Oct Shuttle Fit) fault mapping (~24 cm) (see through some vegetation)

Miss River Delta [[arrows]] Land Sat Images + Ground Truth [[arrow]] Sed. rate [[arrows]] Sediment concentration + hydro. models = transfer rate 

Ocean swirls [[arrows]] radar altimeters (HT precisely . . . 
large scale circulation [[arrow]] (currents) [[arrow]] large scale current: ocean ~50% heat transport topics [[arrow]] poles e. g. gulf stream 

Phytoplankton [[arrows]] seawifs (Bands [[=]] particularly chlorophyll
8 bands:visible [[at]] near IR

Glaciers [[arrows]] Radar Altimeters (East Radar [[sat]])
sensitivity to climate change [[=]] measure of effect

Shuttle Flight that just landed

Sunset [[arrows]] ATMOS (Absorption 2-16 μ)
Res.~2 Km molecules:

variation w/ lat and long
ozone ClO No x

Mas: IR Emission (Signatures + Pressure Broadline)

~5-10 Km resolution