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LOVELL   (Grand Oasis in Great Vastness)   ED. Climate Conf.  (NOAA)

         Welcome  -   Thank Sponsors    [[right arrow]] NSTA - Frank
                                                        NOAA - Early, Enthus..,
                                                               Host [Climate

         Intro  [[right arrow]] Senator Mikulski        DOE - Bill; Early
                                                              Supporter (CRD)

         Featured Speakers)    Susan                    NASA - (CA). Financial
          (Gen. Session)       Inez                            support made it
                               Richard                         possible
                                                        NGC [[right arrow]] Food!

[[Right arrow]]  Motivation for Conference

                 -  SRS (most know) [[Right arrow]]  Put on events, Run Sci PGMS,
                    Pub Sci Books [[right arrow]] students, parents, teachers
                    Focus [[right arrow]] 5th - 8th grade (Special emphasis on

                    in Everything:  Sci = Creative & Collab
                                        = All around you  (& Relevant Research!)
                                    Scientists - Normal (!)
                                               - Have an impact on World

                 -  Interact w/ lots of Students   (Festivals)
                    [[right arrow]] They're interested in Environment, C.C.,
                                    & want information [to understand; to have
                                                             an impact]

                 [[right arrow]]  Made Us Realize [[right arrow]] not a lot of
                                  Material for classrooms (& new subj, so teachers
                                  with no background)

                  -  Piloted Ed inst
                  -  Hope to continue developing C.C. focus for EK  
                     [[right arrow]] Both  U.G. & M.S
                  -  Suppl. Books on Topic
                     4 on climate change - (NOAA)
                     4 on Earth's precious resources - (NEEF)

-  Last Fall, talking w/ NSTA after very successful
   Teacher's Conf .... what next?       [[right arrow]]