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-> Perfect: Combine critical topic w/occasion
of 25th Anniv of Flight
=> "Earth Then, Earth Now" [Not sure I like being "then"...]

•My Purpose -> Set the stage

Space PGM [[program]] has revolutionized...
•Apollo slide
•Satellites => Gave us global persective [[perspective]]
Learned: Oceans, atmos [[atmosphere]], land, life are all connected. Can't study/understand 1 w/out others
-> Led to Earth system science

My own Background...
Grew up fascinated by space pgm [[program]] (B&W TV's)
Studied physics Stanford/AD/35/6
Got in line...
Part of TNG => Geo/Ocean Atmosphere} To be knowledgable observers (know what we we seeing)-> TNG in use of cameras to record it => created monster [[strikethrough]] bunch of [high flying ?]] [[/strikethrough]]

1st Flight = 1st Chance
Strap into RKT [[rocket]] 0-> 17.5K
weightless float -> breath-taking view of Earth
That view => gave me real appreciation for [our topic] [Earth + our role]