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[FL Slide]   3
1 other to give sense of view [Gibraltar]
* more actively involved...
=> when STS grounded > Challenger
Headed Strategic Planning -> Championed MTPE
-> (Major focus in NASA)

* Shortly > leaving NASA
Teamed w/ NASA & JPL => C.C. Workshop 1 week
~200 grad students to hear from top sci [[science]]
in 3rd yr added 1 week for Teachers
[[strikethrough]] [Funding Stopped >3 yrs] [[/strikethrough]]
[Started early discussions to bring that back]

=> In 25 yrs since FLT, learned a lot about earth, its climate, & our impact

Learned that C.C. is real + that we're seeing changes happening now

Over next 2 days, [[strikethrough]] set will [[/strikethrough]] you'll hear about sci [[science]] from experts that: CO2 building up
Results in [[up arrow]] GH effect [[[strikethrough]] that results [[/strikethrough]]
has caused Air T [[up arrow]] (now measure that rise, & be confident it's due to ^CO2)
Hear about complex computer models that can crank + fwd [[forward]] + let us peer at possible futures
+ =>