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IPCC FAQ's          Mission: planet Earth
                       - Save the planet
Motivation:         Book
Thin Blue Line       → Perspective
(perspective)        → Basic Sci
                        (G.H. Effect)
                   [[crossed out]]additions[[/crossed out]]
Facts:                 (CO2, H2O, CH4)
Measured               Been adding ---
not disputed           ~30% more CO2
[1.5°F ↑             →Unnatural 
[Oceans warmer          G.H. Effect
[Oceans more acidic  →How Sci have pieced     
[Sea level ↑            together data to 
                        compare to last  
                        700,000 yrs

 Regional climates
   • hot, dry, [[crossed out]] desert[[/crossed out]] arid places => less rain 
   • Many places, more rain
   • Storms, though less freq ⇒ more intense 
   • ↓ Snowpack (less snow, melts sooner)
   • Agriculture : e.g. corn

Transcription Notes:
there are basically two columns of writing but the lines don't align well enough to make a column format