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1995: "The balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on global climate."

2001: "There is new & stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over last 50 yrs is attributable to human activities

2007: "Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global avg. air & ocean temps, widespread melting of snow & ice, & rising global avg sea level"

and "most of the observed [[upward arrow]] in globally avg T's since mid-20th C is [[underline]] very likely >90%[[/underline]] due to the observed [[upward arrow]] in anthropogenic GH gas concentrations"


Global energy sources
Oil ~36%                oil ->transportation
Coal ~28%               gas -> heat, power & manuf
Gas ~24%                coal -> power
Hydro/nuc ~6%


[[underline]] Energy [[/underline]]: ~20% transportation
40% power
40% heat