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IPCC - Assesses C.C. sciences in policy-rel way => but doesn't prescribe

=> Policy makers need obj. source of most widely accepted sci info (about cc, its effects)

EST: 1988 [by WMO & UN Env. programs]

=> Both government & scientific

=> Does not conduct new research
   Mandate: Assess (comprehensively, openly ..; the available peer- 
   reviewed info)

1st: 1990 - confirmed sci basis for concern

2nd 1995 - [contributed to Kyoto protocol is 1997: mandate reduced 
    emissions, came into force in 2005

3rd 2001 - confirmed sci finding that most of the observed warming is caused by humans
    2007 => 700 scientists, led by 22 (152 [[lead?]] authors coord.) principle authors
         => 100 governments unanimously approved every word (line by line)
    (75% of sci not part of prev report)

Uses carefully [[calculated?]] language

Sea level certain; had to quant. hurricanes => take long time to build stats