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[[circled]] 2nd 1 [[/circled]]
What's Going to Happen?
                    Get across to kids:
                        No one really knows
                     -> Missing 1 critical piece of info                   [for computer models]

     What will people of world do about G.H. Gases?
Companion Book To Mission: Planet Earth
-> Mission : Save the Planet
Give kids info on things they can do at home school community} Do their part & energize others to help solve problem
[[left margin]] Consumer (Research)
•Want to do things to help (people, communities)

In 1957, Sov. Launchpad Sputnik (world's 1st satellite)
-> Sign of world leadership that shocked the US.

 Response: Immediate  created NASA, Space PGM, Senate Comm on Sci, & put Nat’l priority on sci/math education
 Goal: produce gen of Sci/ENG (& workforce to support them)

      Who could lift us to the moon & beyond.
Kids dreamed of BLDG RKTS to the stars, & contributing to something that mattered. [Public followed + supported every step]. It was “cool” to be a scientist/“cool” to be ENG. & Public well-informed

Today we face the even greater challenge of climate change. That challenge is energizing & mobilizing this gen. (B & G) [[boys & girls]] Like Sp.Pgm did mine. It’s imp. to make connection for them [& soc] to the role Sci + Tech will play in meeting that challenge.