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that can take place. The conversion of this heat to kinetic energy depends on the thermodynamic efficiency of the process, which can be shown to be proportional to the difference between the sea surface temperature and the temperature of the part of the atmosphere that receives the outflow from the top of the storm. The hurricane's Carnot cycle can be used to estimate a lower bound on the central pressure of the storm, which is a good measure of its intensity. This lower bound has been shown to be the solution of the following implicit equation:
[[mathematical equation]]
(1 - ɛ)RT5lnPa/Pc = ɛLv/Ts(qc* – qa) – 1/4f2ra2
[[/mathematical equation]]
where Ts is the sea surface temperature, Pa is the ambient sea surface pressure; Pc is the central surface pressure, f is the Coriolis parameter, ra is the radius of the whole circulation at the surface, R is the vapor, and qc is the saturation water vapor mixing ration given by
[[mathematical equation]]
qc*=3.80 mbar/Pc exp[17.7Ts/243.5+Ts]
[[/mathematical equation]]
The parameter (epsilon) in (1) is the thermodynamic efficiency, given by
Solutions of (1) for a fixed ambient relative humidity of 75% are shown as functions of sea surface and outflow temperatures in figure 1.
RH = 75%
Figure 1: The minimum sustainable central pressure (in millibars) as a function of sea surface temperature (Ts) and mean outflow temperature (To), assuming an ambient surface pressure of 1015 mbar and an ambient near-surface humidity (RH) of 75%.

Transcription Notes:
The directions state that only the text needed to be transcribed and there wasn't a need to describe images, photographs, or maps - but I wasn't sure if the mathematical equations fell under one of those. Gave it my best shot considering the sub- and superscript doesn't copy into the transcription form. :-)