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-12- To face this new and vital responsibility for our global future, the nations of the world must grasp the opportunity the ISY offers to ensure that the gifts of Planet Earth are passed on to future generations. I hope that the ISY will bring all nations into this effort in a coordinated way. There are many steps all of us can and must take in connection with ISY planning. First, we must implement promptly a series of planned United States and international research programs that will provide those Earth science observations required over the next decade. Simultaneous measurements of Planet Earth's interactive natural and human processes are required. Spaceborne sensors offer a unique global perspective. But they must be complemented by Earth-based measurements. Second, we must resolve now to lay the foundations for the long-term program necessary to provide continuous global observations of the Earth from the mid-1990s and beyond. In developing our polar platforms for EOS, the United States is prepared to plan for a 15-year program of long-term Earth observations. Through Professor Luest, I have invited ESA to join with us in this long-term commitment. And today, I extend this invitation to all of you and urge your respective space agencies to consider it seriously. By joining together in such a commitment, we can establish a truly global Earth observation system.