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NASA has the technical and scientific expertise, and the experience in directing earth observations from space, to lead a Mission to Planet Earth. It should be emphasized, however, that an understanding of global change cannot be gained from space-based measurements alone. An extremely important part of this research is ground-based, or in situ, data acquisition. The interdisciplinary nature of this initiative requires the involvement and close cooperation of several US government agencies. A high priority should be given to defining and assigning roles and responsibilities to the various government agencies.

Again, it is only from earth's orbit that we can get the proper perspective to perform this global study. We know what to observe, and how to observe it. An initiative such as Mission to Planet Earth is responsive to what may be a time-critical need. While it may be overly dramatic to say that our survival on the planet depends on an understanding of global change, it is not overly dramatic to say that there are potent concerns that will be facing humanity in the coming decades. the scientific return from a Mission to Planet Earth could significantly enhance the quality of life on this planet.

Our space program is a national asset. It embodies this nation's vision to explore new frontiers. In developing the capabilities to explore the mysteries of other worlds, we have also acquired the ability to explore our own world in a way that was impossible only a few decades ago. It is important to recognize the key role of space in understanding earth, and to exploit our space program to explore no only other worlds, but our own as well.