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Literature Resource List
WINS Initiative Fall 1995

(r)1. The Campus Climate Revisited: Chilly for Women Faculty, Administrators, and Graduate Students
Sander, Bernice and Hall, Roberta c1986
UCSD Central Library has this on microfiche (ED 1.310/2:282462 Docs)

(r)2. The Classroom Climate: A Chilly One for Women?
Hall, Roberta, c1982 AACU

 *3. Female-Friendly Science due to S&E library 02/01/96
Rosser, S.V. c1990

4. "Gender differences in motivational achievement in school science", in American Educational Research Journal 21(1), 39-59
Steinkemp, M.W. and Maehr, M.L. c1984

*5. "Gender Equity and the year 2000" WEEA Digest
Education Development Center c1991
(WEEA- Women's Educational Equity Act)

*6. "Equal Mathematics Education for Female Students" ERIC Digest
Schwartz, Wendy and Hansen, Katherine c1992

*7. "Gender Bias and Fairness" ERIC Digest
Childs, Ruth Axma c1990

8. "Gender Equity in Education: A review of the Literature"
Lucidi, Alison Danielle April 1994

*9. Girls and Science , Newsletter of the AAAS
Spring 1995
(received from AAAS)

10. "Girls in Schools: A Bibliography of Research on Girls in U.S. Public Schools K-12" 3rd Edition
Wellesley College Center for Research on Women September 1992

 *11. How Schools Shortchange Girls:The AAUW Report due to SS&H library 10/20/96
UCSD Central Library has 1992 report (LC 1752 H68 1992)

12. "Lifting the Barriers. 600 Strategies that Really Work to Increase Girl's Participation in Science, Mathematics, and Computers"
Sanders, Jo c1994

13. "On the Problem of Making Science Attractive for Women and Minorities: An Annotated Bibliography" American Journal of Physics v63 n3 p.203-11
March 1995

November 28, 1995