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Paris Feb 4th 1910

Painting apples

My dear Grace,
From what Louis de Kerstrat say about his trip over I presume that you had a stormless trip.  He sailed for Paris about the same time that you left here, and on the same line. I hope you had as fine weather accompany you from this side as he had coming over.

I miss you very much; am not as lonely as I was the first two day after you left. Spenkuck and I have been cooking our dinner for the last week, it takes us about an hour to do so after I get back from the sketch class. Find that I can save about a franc every night by doing so. I like it better than eating alone at a restaurant and as I like Spenchuck better than I expected I do not feel as lonesome as I would if I did not know any of my neighbors. Your relief I had casted the day before yesterday. Its all in once piece and looks