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for you. An invitation for both of us came from the girls club for the reception of the opening of the exhibition tomorrow night. As I have'nt a dress suit that I can wear I shall not attend as it is a dress affair. 

At the dance last Sat. night I had a very nice time, met several girls that I like, am going to Miss Mc.Clures studio some afternoon to see her work.

Had breakfast with the Sterlings on Sun. It was so good that it made me think of you aunts breakfasts.  Sterling has improved her figure a lot, I hope she gets it into the salon as it will encourage her if she does.  I know that she and her mother will be dissapointed if it is rejected.

I had a letter from Yvone last night she has been in bed since last Sunday with fever and her old trouble with her back.  Has had two doctors, who it seem are not able to tell her much about her trouble.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewer: made edits, please Complete.