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all your debts are now paid. 

I had breakfast with the Sterlings this morning; they asked for you. Mrs Morris sends you her love and Sterling sends you a french greeting of a 100000 kisses. She is in the midst of having her work cast. Lucius and I had dinner together last Thurs night, and went to the Concert Rouge afterwards. It was a Wagner night [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] Tristan and Isolde was part of the program. It impressed me more than it ever did before. Wagner to me has the quality of mass and grandeur the way I find it in Michal Angelo. You in your work also get [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] mass. I have learned that it is the greatest quality in art. When it is present to a great extent we say sublime. I did at one time think that rhythm was the greatest thing them like Botticelli have it to a great extent but [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] he has the greater quality mass.

Yesterday I was very much impressed by some Greek sculpture in the cast room