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of herself i.e. W. and says that she looks a [[as]] pretty as ever. I bet the picture I have of you on the table here before me has Lila beat by a mile. It is the one I took of you at Versailles, you are standing with your sleeves rolled up and and are laughing. Every time I see this picture I feel like putting my arms around you and kissing you, you look so good. 

Did not do any [[strikethrough]] painting [[/strikethrough]] fishing at St. Guénolé as there we [[were]] no fish to be caught from the rocks, but I did buy a horsehair fish line for you and one for myself. Got back in time to help Yvonne [[strikethrough]] to help [[/strikethrough]] a little, could not do much as my rheumatism had not left me. She and I went to the theatre the other night. The play is very funny, I understood a great deal of it.

You will be surprised when I tell you how studious I have become. Am reading Schiller & Goethe extraits de leur correspondance, in german. And have made arrangements with Mme. Richard for french lessons. I go for my first lesson tomorrow, I find that I can understand most of the german that I'm reading but I will have to get a larger dictionary than the one I have, it is only a pocket edition and is of hardly any use to me at all. Do not think