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[[strikethrough]] anc [[/strikethrough]] ance [[acquaintance]] or friendship being based upon it —— as you ask why I do not get acquainted with Apiker?    I have no great desire to & doubt if we would be even congenial, any more than I could expect to be intimate with the First 
Offcer [[Officer]] of the Clyde liner —— though I cannot [[strikethrough]] denigh [[/strikethrough]] deny that he was of a type that is apt to make me passionate.

I have felt intencely [[intensely]] so [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] toward you at times, but not always & it is not the basis of my friedship [[friendship]] or love for you. Of course what is called love is more or less unconsciously mixed up with a physical attraction

Transcription Notes:
acquaintance - word split between two pages