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Paris May 3rd 1910
[[GMS Relief accepted]]

Dear Grace,

I have just been thinking that I am unfair in writting only four and five pages to your twenty page letters, but I think you know that if I were to write as many as that, I would be [[strikethrough]] nothing [[/strikethrough]] doing nothing but writing to you from one end of the week to the other so as to get one letter a week off to you.

Your letter from Florida interests me very much, tho it does not correspond to the mental picture I had of the country you are visiting. It seems to bad to me that your father should have selected such an isolated spot to take his family to. I understand that the children probably have a better opportunity for the getting of knowledge in having their father for an instructor, but it seems to bad that they do not have more opportunities to come in contact with others. It may make a difference in their lives and it may not, one can't say definitely but in the life of your aunt you know