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incompetent to follow the thought and not willing to take the time to do so. That is why some of the things I say seem like statements and often not clear to the other person.

What I wanted to say at first, is that their are more chances of an individual finding that i.e., anything which will satisfy the mind) in a larger circle than in a small one. Your are an example of what I mean and your brother Alfred may be one also.

It pleases me that you think you will be glad to see me. I also am looking forward to the event. I have started to read a book, "Sex and Character by Weiniger, a german) which I should like to reread with you and discuss as I think it will help us to understand those differences between us which cause us some unpleasant moments.

My french studies are still interesting me even tho I do find that study with out experience is difficult for me. I learn best [[strikethrough]] whe [[/strikethrough]] rules and the use of grammar when it is a matter of necessity when I have experienced, have lived; then