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a month or more and paint. I think I can let you know know in about two week on what boat I will sail and from where.
If I ever have the money I should like to come abroad with you landing at Naples and come up thru Italy to Paris.
I think I will be only to [[too]] glad to get out of this glass railway station in about a month if I can't rent it before then.
Last week I had tea with Mlle. Potterat, She asked for you, I have always given her the messages that you send. I asked her if you had received the maple sugar which you said you would send. I think you know whether she got it. She had expected to go to Brittany with Miss Cockcroft but was disappointed as Miss C. was called back to America after only have been here a short time.
I was pleased more than you know, that you liked the things I sent you; it always makes me happy when I can succeed in pleasing you.

The things I said in my last letter were not said to color anyone but to show you the reason of of an attitude. I don't know whether you will be able to understand it. I have succeeded in doing so.