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Paris Mai 31 1910

work wrong, destroyed Salome

Dear Grace,
It seems like some time since I have written to you, but I don't think it is more than a week. I have been very moody this last week and if you had been near me you would have termed it a groutch. I won't bore you by try to define my feelings when I am in that state of mind but will tell you some of the thing that will interest you more.
Am expecting to leave Paris between July 1st and 5th, hope to go down the Rhine by boat as far as Cobleritz and go up the Mosel to the town where my mother was born and where I lived until I was five years old; from there I will continue by boat to Rotterdam. If I can manage it I'll visit some of the art galleries in Holland. Have my ticket to sail on the S.S. Rotterdam sailing from Rotterdam 23 July 23. Am going second class. Received your card of the Pine Grove and your letter of the 22nd. If you did not see