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[[postage stamp: image of women]] 10, Deutsches Reich, 10 [[/postage stamp]]

[[stamp: circular]] 
16.7.10. 10-MN
* 2 d

Nur für die Adresse.

Grace Mott Johnson 
Woodstock New York
Ulster Co.

To Coblentz. It will take all day. I leave here at seven A.M. and arrive at 8 A.M. The distance is about 118 miles. Wish you could be with me and see the country from which I got my first impressions. I think that you would like it for itself and because it is rich with sentiment of a kind that I think you like. Am going to take some pictures to show you. Goodnight

Transcription Notes:
-anyone have any ideas for [[?]]- Coblentz is likely in reference to Koblenz, Germany