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year old. Nittel is a little villag [[village]] on the Mosel surrounded on one side by vineclad hills and [[faced?]] on the other side of the river by low wooded ones. I found our little house with the windows boarded up the stone steps on which I played, in ruins, all that I remembered I found, only in different proportions, walls that I remembered as insurmountable I could touch the top of. The two young men who are in charge of the railroad station I found to be my playmates, they remembered things that we did which I have entirely forgotten, but then they are three years older than myself. I think that the feeling one has when one is brought in contact with ones past, the reason one desires to live in it, and hates to part from it, ones desire to [[strikethrough]] be [[/strikethrough]] make it eternal, is [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] the consciousness of death.

With my best love until later. 
Yours as ever. Dasburg.