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shadow, with a sky of clouds. I found a large turtle near too where I was painting did not know what to do with him so I let him go again tho I was tempted to create a new species of turtle out of him by painting his back a bright vermillion. The lastest and first excitement to take place happened today by the arrival of a circus; they call themselves "Hunts Silver Plated Show" finest on earth, etsets. Thank you very much for the shirts they arrived tonight with your letter. Will let you know in my next how they fit me. 
Mid not find the note of introduction which you said you enclosed, I may leave here next Mon [[Monday]]. so I do not know whether I will be able to call on thiss Werts. as we have arranged to go on an all day trip to Maston Lake before then. 

Walter and his wife want to be remembered to you and say they miss you. They are both asleep now, I will do like-wise and I wish it were going to be with you. 

Please remember me to those whom you think I care about. 

I embrace and kiss you with my best love,
Yours, Andrew Dasburg.