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Found a very persuasive letter from Wheelock yesterday when I got home. She wants me to pay her a visit before she leaves, which she expects to do about the  4 of Sept. Think that I may do so on the night of Sept.30. via steamer Yale. I tremble when I think of my trip with you. wish we could do it again. It would give me pleasure if you could spend a day or two with me at Wurtsboro before I leave. Please do so if you do not feel like working and would like to see me. I will walk, read, make love to you or anything you desire. Come, wont you? 

Have you ever thought that the greater ones possibilities become towards doing what we define as good in life, that ones power to do what we call bad grows in proportion? In other words the higher one goes the [[strikethrough]] deeper [[/strikethrough]] further one has to fall. This is what I fear when