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then the price is to great. I know that I shall love it because it is mine and [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] you [[?]] it would seem to me as tho in a sense our friendship an [[and]] love would not be a complete realization without it. So far you have made me feel as tho it were something repulsive forced apon [[upon]] you and its happening would be a scar in our memory. If fate should bring misfortune to you, then it is I who will feel it like a shadow over me as being he thru whom it came to you. 

The reason of my coming to New York was to see how much more of my things were lost (if any were) in coming from Paris and to buy some material for work in the country this winter. Part of my sketching easel is missing so I'll have to get those I left at your aunts before go abroad; there are also I think some paints ets. Will go up there tomorrow (Sunday). 

Am going to have lunch at Teagues today. I take for granted that you would have wanted to be remembered to be remembered to him and the Rosenbaums had you known I were going to see them.