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quite a lion - but is very tiresome business - and if I didn't think it is good business I certainly wouldnt waste any more time here. The enclosed articles appeared on the front page of several papers & quite without my knowledge - They made a lot of noise & I don't know what the Northern Trust will think - I am going to see them tomorrow. So far- I have only been able to get the 150 for January - the best I have been able to do for the book is that enclosed arrangement I have made with Arnes. One book shop here subscribed for 3 at 200 frs & 1 at 400 - I am crazy to get out of here & to be back with you & my mono - bless her little heart & yours - my love - I am sick with longing to be back with you & to see Paris again & to be back at work. I would take the next train out if were not for [[Mai?]] & Andy- They all send you their love & are still disappointed that you did not come back - 
So long old dear - all my love to you both . Your John -
Thank your mother for her good letter 