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send the five hundred francs- She invited me to dinner at her house tonight and a box party afterwards at the opera. She also wants to give me a very severe dinner party at the Collony Club durring [[during]] my show- I saw Bondhi this morning & he is going to try & help me sell something. Have a date with the Little Review people for this afternoon- they will run a serries [[series]] of photos in the March number. 

Had a good letter from John B - will probably go to Boston Sunday night or Monday & return here on the 15th or 16th as Miss D wants me here- My room is $3.00 a day but when I return it will be 15.00 a week- will go to the bank this afternoon & sell the R.D. 

Solong - my love- sweetest girl- the ground is covered with snow- but it is sunny & not too cold - I will be glad to get off to Boston- 

Yours only & always