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lunch alone at the automatic place near the G. central station - but you weren't there to go round & look in the little glass boxes with me - I couldn't eat anything and all the people eating with their hatsand coats on & sitting on the edges of their chairs stuffing down sandwiches - it made me quite sick. I spent the afternoon going around to a lot of expositions which did not improve my state of mind - so when I arrived here at six I had gotten so low that I felt like jumping out of the window or just saying to hell with everything and taking the next boat back - so I called up Louise & found her very low & not knowing what to do with herself without her Beloved- We went small place near here & had a nice quite time wishing ourselfs back in Paris- After we went for coffee to "Maries" where we found Louise Norton & her husband, also Hunt Detrich - the [[?]] [[?]] & several others. We stayed there talking till after one.

The next morning L and I had breakfast together again & after went to S.A. - & called on Croninshild who took me to lunch with him at the coffe house- And on the other side of me was Walter Barry of Paris Chamber of Commerce- Croni also gave me the freedom of the club. Miss D. had neglected seeing him so it is to late to put anything of mine before the April number- I went out to dinner with a cousin of mine Charles Storrs who took me to the University Club & insisted on giving me a guest card. It is one of the most beautiful club houses in the states but as a lunch would