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Hotel Brevoort
Coin de la 5me Avenue et de la 8me Rue
New York,

cost me about three dollars I don't think that I shall go very often-I left him a 9:30 to go to a lecture by [[Noddelman?]] at the S.A. It was quite a joke - Stella and the Blums were there & W. Zorach so after we all came back to "Marie's" (a little coffee house near the sq.) & again met L. Morton & her crowd also Hunt D. & staid talking till two o'clock- and tonight they are all going to a big "party" at Bob Chandlers which will probaly end at about six tomorrow morning! 

Its a killing life- I absolutely refused to go out again tonight so had dinner alone & am writing to you my love & now to bed for tomorrow is the opening of my show- I spent the day getting it in order- except for a very splendid lunch with Storrs & a friend at the U. Club - 

Feb 23rd - Well the show looks fine-finished placing things this morning & had lunch with Miss D at the Cosmopolitan Club. It opened - on time - this afternoon- But hadent sent out the cards yet & no publicity untill Sat & Sunday so only a few friends came. Jack & Miss Helen [[Dridna?]] - Louise Morton & her husband - Stella etc- Stella took me out to dinner where were met by Margret Andersen & Jane Heap - & a friend of Marcels - after we all went to the opening of the Independent show, which was very flat - and after back to the flat of the friend for supper & talking till 2 o'clock