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that fixed that for some time to come - Mary has not passed her formative state yet & I am afraid would be a great responsibility for us both - also she is too young to want to work as she showed to rightly appreciate a stay with us - So Mae & I think best to wait a year or so yet - So far Mae has only received $150 a month from the N. Trust.

Before leaving N.Y. the Modern Artists of America - the soc. started by Field & which is the nearest to the Salons in Paris - asked me to be their reppresentative in France & to chose & send over with yours a show of modern painting & sculpture. After it is shown in N.Y. I am now arranging to have it go to four or five of our bigest cities- Don't say anything about this to anyone as yet-

Please keep the enclosed clippings as they are the only ones I have-

Solong my dear and all my love to you and our darling Mono & tell her that her Daddo is going to bring her something nice when he comes back for having been such a fine girl
Your John -
-Will send one by McBride next time